Centralized Automation Management


ClickUp users are expressing strong demand for an upgraded management capability concerning automations within their workspaces. They face challenges with applying, tracking, and auditing automations across multiple spaces, folders, and lists efficiently. This need stems from the difficulty in managing numerous automations scattered across various organizational levels, which becomes increasingly cumbersome with workspace scaling. Users are looking for a way to streamline this process to enhance visibility, ease duplication efforts, and ensure timely application and modification of automations, ultimately aiming to save time and improve workflow efficiency.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Automation Duplication:
    Integrate the ability to quickly duplicate existing automations to other areas of the workspace. Modifications on an original automation should propagate those changes to its duplicates unless otherwise specified by the user.
  • Unified Automation View:
    Create a centralized interface from which all of ClickUp's automations can be accessed, configured, and managed. This should include viewing all automations, their statuses (active/inactive), and the ability to toggle them on or off across multiple lists, spaces, or folders without multiple, repetitive, manual configurations.
  • Bulk Automation Application:
    Develop functionality to apply a single automation to multiple spaces, folders, and lists simultaneously. This should include options to select the desired locations seamlessly within the centralized automation management interface.
  • Granular Permission Settings:
    Allow ClickUp workspace admins to set detailed permissions that control who can create, edit, or delete automations to ensure security and prevent unauthorized changes.
  • Audit Log and History Tracking:
    Introduce an audit log that records changes, deletions, or additions to automations, specifying who made the change and when. This log should be easily accessible within the centralized management interface.
2053 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!