Customizable Default View Setting for Productivity Tool


Many ClickUp users express frustration over the application consistently opening on randomly selected views or the last used view, rather than a preferred default view such as 'Home' or a specific 'Dashboard'. Users find this lack of control impacts their productivity negatively as they must navigate away from the default opening view to reach their desired workspace each time they launch the tool. The ability to set a consistent and customizable landing page upon app startup would provide a smoother, more efficient user experience and alignment with individual workflow preferences.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Set Custom Default View:
    Allow users to select and set a custom default view that the app will automatically open to each time it's launched. This feature should cater to various preferences, from 'Home', 'Dashboard', to custom 'Lists'.
  • Ensure Consistency Across Devices:
    The chosen default view should be consistent across all devices and platforms where ClickUp is accessible, ensuring a uniform experience that catabricates to personal preferences irrespective of the medium used.
  • Streamlined Bookmarking Capability:
    Facilitate a direct URL or bookmarking mechanism for quick access to frequently used views like current sprints, thereby enhancing efficiency for returning users.
  • Provide Options for All User Levels:
    Whether a guest, team member, or admin, all user types should have the ability to set a personalized default view fitting their specific needs and roles within the platform.
564 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!