Scheduled Task Automation Enhancements


ClickUp users are increasingly seeking a more dynamic automation system, where tasks can trigger specific actions based on time conditions. Many users expressed the need for automations to act after a certain duration, like changing the status of a task after it has been completed for a week, sending reminders if a task remains untouched for a certain amount of days, or automatically archiving tasks that have been closed for specific periods. These needs underline a common desire for more sophisticated, time-based controls within the ClickUp environment, to better handle project timelines, follow-ups, and task maintenance without manual intervention.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Delay before action:
    Implement the ability to set a time delay before an automation executes, like changing a task's status or priority after a certain period of time has elapsed since a specific trigger event.
  • Automatic task archival:
    Users want tasks to automatically archive themselves after specified conditions are met, such as 'X number of days after closure' or 'a set duration after the due date has passed', based on whether tasks meet defined status criteria.
  • Scheduled status change:
    Allow for scheduling tasks to change their status after a predefined time lapse related to the task's last modification or completion, to ensure workflow continuity without manual tracking.
  • Enhanced repeat reminders:
    Create capability for ongoing automated reminders based on time intervals (e.g., weekly reminders) until a task changes in status or is completed, which is especially useful for follow-ups on long-standing tasks.
873 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!