SMS Number Rotation


HighLevel users are experiencing limitations with SMS campaigns due to carrier restrictions that block numbers sending large volumes of messages within a 24-hour period. Specifically, each number can only send 150-200 SMS per day before being blocked. This has created a demand for a functionality that would allow users to manage multiple numbers and automatically rotate through these during campaigns to avoid blocks and maintain campaign effectiveness. HighLevel already utilizes Twilio's Copilot for related features, and users have expressed a keen interest in integrating similar capabilities directly within HighLevel.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Campaign Integration:
    Enable integration of number groups with specific SMS campaigns. Users should be able to select which group of numbers to use when setting up an SMS campaign.
  • Create Number Groups:
    Provide the ability for users to create and manage groups of phone numbers within HighLevel. This should include adding, removing, or editing numbers in a group.
  • Number Rotation Mechanism:
    Develop an algorithm to rotate through each number in a group when sending SMS campaigns, ensuring that usage is spread out to avoid exceeding carrier limits.
  • User Interface for Rotation Settings:
    Design an intuitive user interface that allows HighLevel users to manage number rotation settings, including the ability to specify the order of number rotation and view usage statistics for each number.
205 HighLevel users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!