Subtask-to-Parent Task Status Synchronization


ClickUp users frequently encounter difficulties with automating task management, specifically in synchronizing the status between subtasks and their corresponding parent tasks. Currently, when a subtask's status changes, it does not automatically update the parent task's status. This issue is especially cumbersome in scenarios where the completion or progression of subtasks directly impacts the overall task status. Users express a need for a seamless flow where changes in subtask statuses can trigger corresponding adjustments in the parent tasks, reflecting the most current status without manual intervention.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Custom Field Synchronization:
    Ensure that custom fields in subtasks can trigger updates on similar fields in the parent tasks. This allows for better tracking of task attributes across different levels of task hierarchies.
  • Subtask Status Change Trigger:
    Create an automation condition that when a subtask status changes, the parent task's status updates to reflect this change. Example: If a subtask is marked as 'Completed', the parent task's status might automatically switch to 'Review'.
  • Conditional Parent Status Update:
    Allow conditional updates on parent tasks based on subtask statuses. Example: If all subtasks are 'Completed', then set the parent task to 'Completed'. If any subtask is 'In Progress', the parent task should reflect 'In Progress'.
805 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!