Task Color Coding by List for Enhanced Visual Management


ClickUp users have consistently expressed a need for a more visually intuitive way to manage tasks across different views such as board, calendar, and Gantt chart. The primary challenge lies in quickly identifying tasks associated with specific lists, projects, or priorities due to the current limitation where task color does not dynamically reflect its list or categorization. This capability is crucial in enhancing the utility of board views, where color differentiation can significantly speed up task recognition and processing, making project tracking more efficient and visually accessible.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • Color Coding by List:
    Allow tasks to inherit the color of their associated list. This means when a task is viewed across any mode – board, calendar, or Gantt – it reflects the color set for the list it belongs to, making it distinct and recognizable.
  • Custom Color Parameters:
    Enable ClickUp users to define custom parameters for task colors based on fields like due date, status, or custom labels. This feature will allow greater flexibility and personalization, adapting the visual task management to more closely align with individual or team preferences.
  • Accessible Color Options:
    Ensure the color options are accessible, considering users with visual impairments. This includes adequate contrast ratios and color-blind friendly palettes.
  • Visual Indicators for Task Status:
    In addition to whole-task color coding, provide options to show smaller, distinct visual indicators (like borders or badges) that reflect task status or urgency. These would complement the overall task color, providing nuanced information at a glance without overwhelming the main color theme.
  • Global Settings for Color Preferences:
    Implement a global setting within ClickUp where users can set and customize their color coding preferences. This should include options for automatic updates when tasks move between lists or when their status changes, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.
1773 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!