Visual Dependency Mapping for Project Tasks


ClickUp users often express the need for a more intuitive way to visualize and manage dependencies across tasks, folders, and lists without specific time constraints tied to them. This stems from a recurring pain point where traditional Gantt charts are limited to scheduled tasks, ignoring unscheduled ones which are crucial for agile and dynamic project management. This leads to difficulties in identifying dependencies quickly, understanding the impact of task delays on project deliverables, and managing tasks in a visually coherent manner that aligns with the flow of work. Consequently, ClickUp users are yearning for a tool that would allow them to graphically design and view connections and dependencies in a manner that is easy to comprehend, adjust, and manipulate, enabling more efficient project workflows.

🗒️ Feature Requests

  • No Date Constraints:
    Allow the dependency visualizations to include all tasks, regardless if they have set dates or not, ensuring that the tool can be utilized in flexible and date-free project environments.
  • Filter and Display Options:
    Offer customizable filter settings such as show/hide completed tasks, view by tags or priorities in the dependency graph to help users focus on what is most critical at any given time.
  • Graphical Dependencies View:
    Create a graph-based visualization pane where users can see all tasks' dependencies at once, helping to identify bottlenecks and critical paths directly.
  • Cross-Project Dependency Mapping:
    Enable viewing of dependencies not only within single projects or spaces but across different ones, providing a broader operational visibility and enhanced planning capabilities.
  • Interactive Editing Capabilities:
    Integrate features such as drag-and-drop to create and edit dependencies, and double-click on connections to adjust their types and properties, streamlining the management process.
634 ClickUp users requested this feature. Interested in build this extension? Join our Discord!